2014년 5월 7일 수요일

I love America resume :D

  Last class, we talked about businesses between both country.
One of them I was impressed is the difference of Resume.
In the presentation, presentor told us that personal pictures
are not required when someone apply for a company.
I actually didn't know that true until that time.
I thought that there are more many differences about resume
between Korea and America and decided to find other ones.

 Unlike Korean resume, America resume doesn't include appearance,
age, sex, race and physical data, etc. of course personal picture.
America resume includes name, address, contacts, objective, edcation,
and experience. They only need applicants' work skills, potentials
and passions on work.

 Also, in Korea, the family background is very very important.
It means that if I was born in very rich or renowned family, I can be
employed much more easier than other common people. I think
it is very bad custom because the background is not work skill.

I like America resume that doesn't discriminate applicants and
think that these customs in korea should be disappeared as soon as possible

댓글 2개:

  1. I was also interested in the differences btw America resume and Korea resume. Becuase there is no photo in the America resume but there is a photo blank in the Korea resume. I hope we can discuss more differences this. Plz visit my blogger!! Thank u:

  2. Yes I think the Korea one is unfiar to applicants.Espcially person's look is so important in Korea business, and I feel bad at because that will became a obsession of person's appearance, not ability or personality.
